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Quote for Shipping from anywhere to anywhere

The Gateway Optimum Transportation shipping quick quote is a non-binding estimate based on the information provided and is a reasonably accurate estimate of the approximate costs involved to ship, transport or move the items. It is NOT a contract for services.

The quick quote is based on the information provided. Changes in the actual count, freight classification, size, value or weight of an item or items can affect the actual price charged for these shipping services.

The more information provided to us for your quote the more accurate your charges will be.

Shipping charges can change based on the types of transportation services actually provided. Accessorial charges are not included unless specifically written on the Quote. Accessorial charges include, but are not limited to, all pickup and delivery services that require an appointment, take place at a convention center, require an extra pickup or delivery man, government installation, hotel, require an inside pickup or need a lift gate service.

Destination is a key factor in transportation costs and in general it is always more cost effective to ship to a commercial address (business) than it is to a residence. Other charges may apply depending on size (dimensions) including oversize charge requirements like excessive length, that are specific to each carrier.


Insurance is provided by law at .60 a lb. for U.S Domestic shipments. Insurance coverage over that amount must be declared at the time of the quote to give you an accurate cost of insurance based on the value you want to cover.